7 aphorisms, 2008 – 2009

Galleri Sinne in Helsinki, Finland.

Installation consisting of a piece of sculpture and 7 paintings.
Sculpture: original textiles taken from the Greek Orthodox Church.
Silk, linen, cotton, wool, polyester and acrylic. Dimensions variable.
7 paintings: watercolours and pencil on paper. 48 x 37 cm.

This work, consisting of a piece of sculpture and 7 paintings aims to present a fictive spiritual world, that has the characteristic aesthetic elements of a Religious Institution.
In this imaginary dimension, priests and monks express directly their deepest human evil feelings revealing in public senses of inferiority, negativity, anger, agony, fear and bitterness.

'7 aphorists/the first', 2009. Watercolours and pencil on paper. 48 x 37 cm. Photo Panos Balomenos
'7 aphorists/the second', 2009. Watercolours and pencil on paper. 48 x 37 cm. Photo Panos Balomenos
'7 aphorists/the third', 2009. Watercolours and pencil on paper. 48 x 37 cm. Photo Panos Balomenos
'7 aphorists/the fourth', 2009. Watercolours and pencil on paper. 48 x 37 cm. Photo Panos Balomenos
'7 aphorists/the fifth', 2009. Watercolours and pencil on paper. 48 x 37 cm. Photo Panos Balomenos
'7 aphorists/the sixth', 2009. Watercolours and pencil on paper. 48 x 37 cm. Photo Panos Balomenos
'7 aphorists/the seventh', 2009. Watercolours and pencil on paper. 48 x 37 cm. Photo Panos Balomenos